ABC Building
Availability – up to 51,000 sq ft (Suites from - 2,741 sq ft to 20,000 sq ft)
4 spaces per 1,000 sq ft demised

Take a look around
What's included
Currently undergoing a significant refurbishment and transformation to provide Grade A, EPC B rated space within a vibrant Park Community, the ABC Building will offer you…
- Meeting & conference facilities
- Concierge reception services
- Access control system
- Wellbeing & prayer room
- In-house gym with yoga, fitness & spin studios
- Changing & shower facilities
- Cycle storage
- Cafe / Smoothie bar
- Suspended ceilings with LED lighting
- Raised access floors (150mm)
- Comfort cooling

Interested? Enquire now
To enquire about our availability or to discuss our pre-let opportunities, please contact Jonathan Shires.